Tracing SARS-CoV-2 Clusters Across Local-scales Using Genomic Data. medRxiv 2024.09.18.24313896.
Leke Lyu, Guppy Stott, Cody Dailey, Sachin Subedi, Kayo Fujimoto, Ryker Penn, Pamela Brown, Roger Sealy, Justin Bahl.
The growing recognition of genome sequencing as critical for outbreak response has led to a rapid increase in the availability of sequence data. In this context, we put forward an analytical workflow within the Bayesian phylodynamic framework to identify and trace imported SARS-CoV-2 clusters using large-scale genome datasets. By utilizing metrics such as the Source-Sink Score, Local Import Score, and Persistent Time, our approach characterizes transmission patterns in each subregion and elucidates transmission heterogeneity. As new variants continue to emerge, the insights provided by our analysis are crucial for addressing the challenges of current and future pandemics effectively. This work